Essentially, Yours Copywriting Retainer

A completely bespoke retainer relationship which allows you to work with me on a month-to-month basis, strategically aligning your communications and content copywriting goals.

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Depending on your business goals, investment is as low as $500 AUD (approximately $340 USD or £260 GBP) per month. This consistent investment over a six-month period can yield fantastic SEO results for a brand, propelling them to page 1-3 organic rankings on Google. Plus, all of the content is yours to own meaning you can repurpose and reuse it across social media, advertising, email marketing and more. 

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You (I promise). Each content plan and strategy is created from scratch (by myself) in close consultation with you. So, because there’s no copying and pasting, it doesn’t matter where your business/brand is at. I’ll meet you there. 


Absolutely there is flexibility to change the content delivered each month. At Esme; Copywriting we remain agile, always. Brands grow and evolve and business needs change, so I adapt with you. Just last week I pivoted one of my client’s content plan to include a media release, Pinterest captions and additional SEO articles. You dictate the pace. 


Choose between a six, nine or 12 month retainer relationship. I don’t offer shorter retainers as it prohibits our ability to see true growth and change. If you have a campaign launch looming and would like to explore hands-on copywriting support for one to three months, please reach out via the contact form and outline the content required. I’ll pull together a custom quote. 


  • Unlimited hours each month researching and crafting copy for your brand
  • A robust content plan, strategic content pillars and write copy that delivers tangible results
  • Unique tone of voice development and application 
  • Copywriter-on-call to answer any marketing, business or content questions you have (I'm here to work in your business with you)
  • Reporting (SEO & other)


I reserve creative space for a limited number of retainer clients per month, but warmly welcome new enquiries. Please sing out with your copywriting needs and the required start date and I’ll work to accommodate you and your business. 

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